Chairs: George Kostaras, Panagiotis Moumtsakis

George Kostaras
My name is George Kostaras and I come from the beautiful city of Kavala. However, for the last four years I study in the Faculty of Political Sciences at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki. Even though I have participated in many conferences in Greece and abroad ( Romania, Turkey, Germany) this is my first ever Highschool edition ΜUN and I am pretty much excited! As far as me goes, in my free time I usually expand my intellectual horizons by reading books related with my studies, I am a huge coffee supporter and I enjoy visiting new places.
Finally, me and my dear friend Mr. Moumtsakis will guide you throughout the preparatory process before the conference as well as during our sessions and promise to make this experience an unforgettable one for you!
My name is George Kostaras and I come from the beautiful city of Kavala. However, for the last four years I study in the Faculty of Political Sciences at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki. Even though I have participated in many conferences in Greece and abroad ( Romania, Turkey, Germany) this is my first ever Highschool edition ΜUN and I am pretty much excited! As far as me goes, in my free time I usually expand my intellectual horizons by reading books related with my studies, I am a huge coffee supporter and I enjoy visiting new places.
Finally, me and my dear friend Mr. Moumtsakis will guide you throughout the preparatory process before the conference as well as during our sessions and promise to make this experience an unforgettable one for you!