Motion to verify the quorum: When the session starts the chairs will clarify the quorum by a roll-call procedure. Each delegate should raise their placard and state present.
Motion to set the agenda:Since there is one topic area in each committee, the agenda is set to the topic area of the committee by the chairs.
Motion to establish a speakers’ list: Before the discussion starts, a delegate should entertain a motion to establish a speakers’ list, which is a formal debate. The delegate should also suggest the individual speaker's time. When the motion passes chairs will ask for those who would like to be added on the speakers’ list. Delegates can also be added to the speakers’ list by sending a note to the chairs. When a delegate concludes their speech, they can yield their remaining time: a) to the Board; b) to another delegate, who can either accept or decline the yield; c) to questions.
Motion for a Moderated Caucus:When the floor is open, a delegate can entertain a motion for a moderated caucus, which is an informal debate. The total duration, the speaker’s time and the exact topic of the caucus should also be defined. During the moderated caucus, there are no points of information and yielding of the floor is not required.
Motion to extend the Moderated Caucus: After the end of the moderated caucus, in case the floor remains open to points and motions, any representative may propose a Motion to Extend the Moderated Caucus. The extension of the Moderated Caucus shall be equal or shorter than the original duration of the caucus.
Motion for an Unmoderated Caucus:When the floor is open, a delegate can entertain a motion for an unmoderated caucus stating both the total duration and the exact purpose of the caucus. The general purpose of an unmoderated caucus is to allow immediate and informal negotiation and bargaining, in order to clarify positions and prepare working papers, amendments or draft resolutions.
Motion to extend the Unmoderated Caucus: A motion to extend the unmoderated caucus shall be in order right after the time of the original unmoderated caucus has elapsed. The extension of the unmoderated caucus shall be equal or shorter than the original duration of the caucus.
Motion to Introduce a Draft Resolution: When the floor is open the sponsor of a draft resolution can entertain a motion to introduce a draft resolution. A draft resolution must be submitted by at least the 1/5 of the delegates of the committee. If the chairs accept the motion, they will ask for the sponsor to read only the operative clauses of the resolution. After this, the sponsor will have 5 minutes so as to present the draft resolution before the committee. If the representation is completed and there is still time, the floor can be yielded a. to the Board, b. to another delegate, or c. to questions. Then, chairs will accept speakers in favor and against the resolution. Those speakers are not able to accept questions. Just after this motion passes, a motion to establish a speakers’ list on the draft resolution is required. Motion to introduce the amendments: After all the existing amendments have been submitted to the Chairpersons of each Committee during the indicated by the Board time, a motion to introduce the amendments should be made. After this motion passes, the Board will read out each amendment and will call the sponsor to characterize each one of them either as friendly or as unfriendly. A friendly amendment, if characterized as such by the sponsor of the draft resolution, will be automatically added to the text of the draft resolution. An unfriendly amendment, if characterized as such by the sponsor, will have to be voted upon. This way, after all amendments have been characterized as friendly or unfriendly, the Board will read out once again all unfriendly amendments and the Committee will vote upon each and every one of them. This procedure is considered as voting on a substantial matter and, thus, delegates are able to abstain in case they want to do so. Generally, an amendment can do three things; add a clause, erase a clause or edit a clause. Amendments to the preambulatory clauses are not in order. Amendments referring to grammatical or vocabulary-related mistakes will be automatically added to the text of the draft resolution. Motion to Close the Debate on a Draft Resolution: After the end of the discussion on a draft resolution, a motion to close the debate on a draft resolution is in order. If there are more than one draft resolutions to the floor, after the closing of the debate on the first of them, the Committee should proceed to the introduction of the second one and then proceed with the same procedure once again. This motion needs a 2/3 majority in order to pass.
Motion to Close the Debate on Topic Area Under Discussion:When all the submitted drafts are discussed and all debates on these drafts have been closed, the Board will entertain a motion to close the debate on topic area under discussion. After this motion passes – it requires a 2/3 majority – the Committee will automatically enter the voting procedure for each one of the existing draft resolutions. A resolution passes if it is voted by at least the ½ of the delegates of the committee. Only one resolution can pass. ATTENTION:ONLY FOR THE SECURITY COUNCIL, A RESOLUTION CAN PASS IF IT HAS AT LEAST 9 VOTES IN FAVOUR, INCLUDING THE VOTES OF ALL PERMANENT MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL
Just before proceeding with the real voting procedure, the floor will open for any points or motions. The motions that can be made at this point are the following: Motion for a Roll-Call Vote: The Board will call the countries one by one to vote, if this motion is suggested. It passes automatically. Motion to Reorder Draft Resolutions: In case a Committee has more than one draft resolutions, a delegate can propose such a motion in order to change the voting order of these draft resolutions. The motion needs a 2/3 majority in order to pass. Motion to Split the House: The Motion to Split the House is in order when the representative proposing this Motion wishes to exclude abstention from the voting options during the final vote on the draft resolution. The motion requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority to pass. Once the Motion passes, the representatives shall not be allowed to abstain during the voting of the resolution. Motion to Divide the Question:When delegates want to vote on some clauses separately. This motion requires a 2/3 majority and it is up to the discretion of the President to recognize one speaker in favor and one against of this motion before putting it to the vote. Motion to adjourn the meeting: This motion should be entertained right before each break according to the official programme of ARCMUN 2018. This motion needs a simple majority to pass. Motion to adjourn the session: This motion should be entertained ONLY at the end of the last session of ARCMUN 2018, according to the official programme of the conference, in order to permanently end the works of each Committee or Council This motion needs a 2/3 majority in order to pass.
Points & Rights
Point of Personal Privilege: It is applied if a delegate feels discomfort. It is usually used to ask a delegate to speak up and if the delegate would like to use the bathroom. It is recommended that if a delegate would like to use the bathroom to send a note to the chairs. It is the only point that can interrupt a speaker.
Point of Parliamentary Inquiry:It can be used if a delegate would like to ask the chairs upon the rules or the procedure. It cannot interrupt a speaker.
Point of Order:It can be used if a delegate is sure that the chairs have made a misuse of the rules.
Right of Reply: It is used when a delegate feels that their country or their personal integrity has been insulted and wants to make a statement and express their complain. Point of Information: It is the right to ask a question to another delegate. It is used only when the rules permit it, namely only during formal debate when a delegate yields their remaining time to questions (these questions are named points of information).
General Assembly's Rules
These rules apply only to the General Assembly’s meeting during the last day of the conference. ATTENTION: It has to be highlighted that the Security Council and the Historical Committee will follow a different schedule than the rest of the committees, since they will proceed with committee work both on the second and last day of the conference and will join the rest at the end of General Assembly’s meeting in order to onlyread their Resolutions.
Motion to verify the quorum: When the House comes to order, the Secretariat will entertain this motion in order to clarify the quorum through a roll-call procedure. Each ambassador should raise their placard and state present.
Moving on, the G.A. will separately discuss and vote upon the resolutions of the 1st GA Committee/DISEC, of the 3rd GA Committee/SOCHUM and of the 4th GA Committee/SPECPOL. Therefore, the Secretariat will ask for the sponsor of each resolution to read only its operative clauses and, after doing this, the sponsor will be given the opportunity to defend the resolution within five minutes and to answer questions, if any and if the sponsor wants to do so. After doing this, a motion to establish a speakers’ list on the resolution will be entertained. After some speeches, the floor will open once again and a motion to close debate on the resolution will be entertained. This way, the GA will enter the voting procedure, with the possibility of entertaining a motion for a roll-call vote, a motion to split the house or a motion to divide the question, before entering this procedure. During the voting procedure, each ambassador can vote in favor, against or abstain, if a motion to split the house has not been entertained. At this point, it must be underlined that the resolutions of UNESCO, WHO, UN WOMEN and ECOSOC will not be discussed in the G.A., but will only be read by their sponsors in the GA.